
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Basic AFL (Skills that is)

On a sharp windy morning, Room 20 and Room 9 were taught the basic techniques of AFL by Micheal Gregson and Aemon Simpson. AFL is an abbreviation for Australian Football League. It is also known as Kiwi Kick or Aussie Rules.

Firstly, we had a small warm up activity, where you and your partner were either a tiger or a lion. You spun round hopping on one foot, 10 star jumps, crouching and spinning, but when Micheal blew his whistle, you had to stop everything and quickly grab the ball in between you and your partner’s feet. To my partner Selena’s pleasure, I did not get the ball once!

The first basic skill that we learnt was how to pass the ball. Unlike league and rugby, you do not spin the ball, but you rest it on on your palm and hit the end with your free hand towards your target. If you are using your left hand to hold the ball, you put your left leg out. This way of passing is called handball.

After learning how to pass properly, we were instructed to form a square with four people. Two younger and two older. We then hit the ball round to see how many times we could hit it. (The pass only counted if the other person caught it.) The highest that my team and I could get to, was 32.

Next, (after soaking up the glory) each class created two lines. In between the two lines, we each tested to see how good our passing really was. We threaded the ball in and out between ourselves as we dreaded to win against the year 3 class. Shockingly, we drew.

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