
Friday, March 25, 2011

Taonga Time Project

Lately, we have been having Taonga Time every Friday, after morning tea. I am in Mrs Telea's class. We are the movie making group. At the moment, we are learning how to use iMovie 11. We were assigned to put together a little movie that covers what goes on at Pt England School. As well as The Point England Way. The movie above will present to you what the Pt England Way is. Just to help you, it's not just walking in line, but it's being respectful, being kind to others, being courteous.


  1. Hi Toreka,

    I really liked your post on what happens at Taonga Time. It was great! Even though the song is old it is very good. I hope that you keep on writing more creative posts that reflects MORE on what we are learning.

    Yours Faithfully, Ala

  2. Hi Toreka,
    Your movie about What goes on in Point England school is very cool. I like how you show all the different kinds of things that go on at PES. The thing that is also amazing is the title, I was very interested in how you showed the title and the clip at the same time. Bye for now, I cant wait for your next post! Great Job Toreka.
    From Seini-Mino
