Last week on Wednesday morning, the senior school came to school in mufty.Why do you ask? Well the reason why we were allowed to come to school in mufty because it was the year five and six camp. Yes it was that time of the year again. We were having it at school on the field again.
It was quite exciting when we got in to our groups.I wanted to be in the same group as Seini-Mino. But it didn't matter though because I was in the Participators with Selena .Yay! My leaders were Sela and Leoden. The vice captains were April and Jonty.
Our very first event was orienteering. First Mr Jacobsen told us to partner up. My partner was Selena. "Now you need to choose who is going to be A and who is going to be B" announced Mr Jacobsen. Selena was A and I was B ."The A's come and each get a compass and the B's come and get a pencil and a piece of paper." Next Mr Jacobsen taught us how to use the compass.Then it was time for the practise round. " You all have to come back when I blow the hooter."
And we were off! Selena and I jogged all the way to the white picket fence."Selena it says 130 degrees" I yelled excitedly. "Okay 120,130. There!" We sprinted to the toilets but unfortunately Selena's shoe separated from her foot! "You're running too fast!" I laughed. "530 degrees Selena." I shout.
"Okay that leads to to room 13's door!"she exclaimed. We sprinted to the door. When we got there we saw April and Sela investigating something. "20 degrees now" I whisper."BEEP"went the hooter. Oh bother. Selena and I quickly tried to figure out what the message was. Then it was time to play the real course. But in the end we didn't get to finish it.
Next it was time for rock climbing."Yipee!"I yelled. The next 10 minutes I was complaining" Ms Squires, it's too high!"
"Okay this time if I fall I will try only once again and thats that" I thought.
"Look Selena look I made it half way up the Egyptian wall" I scream.
As a matter of fact there were lots of different wallls.There was a snakes and ladders wall, Egyptian wall (the one I made it up to half way), sea creatures, going out of New Zealand, King Kong, Indiana Jones' rope, sheep, desert, rockets, space ships, power puff girls and pokemon, clocks,squiggles, zigzags, musical instruments and last but not least Jack and the bean stalk. I didnt get a chance to climb all of the walls. Mrs Posesione was watching me climb up on the Squiggles wall but I never knew! I was so tired but a quarter of the wall was waiting for me to reach the top. Oh noo! My fingers were so sore there was nowhere to go. Whoosh! I landed swiftly like a tamed bird at her feet."Oh Toreka you only had a little more to reach the top!" says Mrs Posesione.I just smiled."Everybody we're going now" said Ms Squires
"Ms Squires, where are we going next?' I ask."we're going skating!" Uh Oh.I wasn't very good at skating either.The next second we were already there!" Ms Squires I don't know my shoe size I exclaim." Oh that's all right he'll just give you a pair like every body elses and he did!But the real problem was I was decorating myself. No, no,no not with glitter, bruises!